Information notice on the competition for the selection of the audited entity

September 01, 2020

Information notice on the competition for the selection of an audit entity for the provision of services for mandatory audit of financial statements of JSC "BANK ALLIANCE" for 2020-2022.

JSC BANK ALLIANCE invites auditing entities to participate in the tender for the provision of audit services to the Bank.

Auditing entities that meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Auditing Financial Statements and Auditing Activities" and are included in a separate section of the Register of Auditors and Auditing Entities, which contains information about the audit firm that has the right to conduct audits, are invited to the Competition. language audit of financial statements of enterprises of public interest.

The purpose of the Competition is to select on a competitive basis the audited entity to conduct a mandatory audit of the financial statements of the Bank, prepared in accordance with the requirements of IFRS, for 2020-2022.

The Bank's financial statements and other public information are available on the Bank's website