Key Performance Indicators | Actual Value | Regulatory Requirements |
Regulatory capital, '000 UAH | 1,037.1 | (> 200) |
Regulatory capital adequacy standard | 12.1% | > 8.5% |
Norm of capital adequacy of the 1st level | 9.9% | > 7.5% |
Norm of adequacy of fixed capital of the 1st level | 9.9% | > 5.6% |
NSFR net stable funding ratio | 151.3% | (> 100%) |
LCR for all currencies | 236.4% | (> 100%) |
LCR in foreign currency | 138.4% | (> 100%) |
Loan portfolio, mln | 3,530.4 | |
Total Assets, '000 UAH | 12,403.9 |
International credit rating at 'ССС+/С' from the leading rating agency Standard&Poor's
Working in the banking market since 1992
Individual flexible approach to customer service
Availability of national rating uaAAA
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