About bank sosis

Thank you for your interest in BANK ALLIANCE!

Specially for you we provide the maximum level of service and comfort, personal service and modern financial solutions. We are confident that we will be able to solve all your tasks.

At the core of our work, over 30 years of experience in providing banking services and non-standard solutions.

I appreciate your choice and sure that you will be satisfied.

Sosis Alexander,
Shareholder, owner of a substantial participation

Sosis Alexander Yosypovych

- a businessman, founder and co-owner of the insurance group ASKA, founder of the All-Ukrainian charitable organization "Alexander Sosis Foundation", winner of the "Personality of the insurance market" of the newspaper "Business" (2000), winner of the national program "Man of the Year" in the nomination "Manager year "(2002), the best top-manager of Ukraine according to the rating" Investgazeta "(2002), entered the top ten of the leaders of the insurance sector, according to the estimation of "Guard of leaders - 2009".


Branches as of october, 2024 on the network, which is represented in the largest cities


years in the financial market of Ukraine


million registered registered authorized capital


UAH million regulatory capital as of February 01, 2025
About bank map

Bank Alliance is a teammate . When the Client has a task, we immediately say - “we’ll come up with something now!”

To do this, we are openly interested in the tasks of the client and really want to help. Therefore, we study and pose the question - to find the best solution. Because we care and we treat the business of our customers as our own.

We are the bank in your team.

  • The international rating agency S&P GLOBAL RATINGS assigned BANK ALLIANCE high credit ratings of B-/B with a stable outlook
  • 100% compliance with liquidity standards
  • Prozzoro Bank Guarantee Market Leader
  • Long-term credit rating according to the National Rating Scale at the level of uaAAA investment category, forecast “STABLE”
  • Refinitiv, the world leader in providing information services and trading systems for financial markets, in 2019 recognized the Alliance Bank's treasury team as the winner in the annual Best Dealing Desk nomination.
  • The Bank is among the 20 largest participants in the PFTS Stock Exchange, traders in government bonds according to the results of 2021
  • It takes 15th place in terms of trade in the international currency market of Ukraine
  • 31 branches in the largest cities of Ukraine
  • Member of the international payment system MasterCard, VISA, UkrKart and national payment system PROSTIR
  • Victory in the XI All-Ukrainian contest “Bank of the Year - 2019” in the nomination “Leader of the quality of customer service - legal entities and individuals-2019”
  • Annual Audit by "CRESTON UKRAINE" LLC

We are a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for individuals, a member of the Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine, an official member of the European Business Association (EBA) and Ukrainian Association of Banks



Acting Heads of the Board


Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board


Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board


Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board