Depository activity of the depository institution of JSC BANK ALLIANCE is carried out in accordance with the Licensing conditions for professional activity in the stock market (securities market) - depository activity and clearing activity, approved by the Securities Commission of Ukraine dated 21.05.2013 No. 862 and in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine Of the Charter of the Bank and the Internal Regulations on Depository Activity of the Depository Institution of JSC BANK ALLIANCE

Types of depository services:

  • Opening of securities accounts
  • Depository accounting of securities
  • Servicing of securities circulation on accounts in securities of depositors
  • Carrying out operations on formation and maintenance of the Bank's own securities portfolio
  • Servicing of the Issuer's corporate operations in securities accounts
  • Provision of additional services to depositors, in particular, in the exercise of securities rights, certification of power of attorney from individuals-depositors of the Depository institution for the right to participate and vote at the general meeting of the joint stock company
  • Obtaining income on securities recorded in the account of the Holder of securities in the depository institution, with subsequent transfer to the account of the owner
  • Information transactions (issuance of statements, certificates and other information regarding securities)
Attractiveness for the Client of JSC BANK ALLIANCE
  • Optimization and individual approach to setting tariffs for service delivery
  • Individual approach to each client, which allows to take into account any requests, wishes and identify the basic needs
  • Confirmation of ownership of securities clearly and in the short term
  • Fast delivery of securities
You can seek the advice of a specialist

Head of Depository Activity Division

Olga Globenko

+38 044 224 66 70 611
or leave the phone and our specialist will contact you for a full consultation

More detailed information can be obtained from the corporate manager of JSC BANK ALLIANCE:

0 800 60 22 22

Fill out an application

and we will call you back

Depository activity of the depositary institution is carried out on the basis of the License issued in accordance with the SSMSC Decision of July 23, 2019 No. 387

Information on notices to shareholders of joint-stock companies sent through the depository system

Name of the joint-stock companyName, code (EDPNOU) of joint-stock companyLink to a copy of the notice of the joint-stock companyPlacement date
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.21.07.2022
JSC “CLOSED NON-DIVERSIFIED VENTURE CORPORATE INVESTMENT FUND “TULUM”41275720A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.27.09.2022
JSC “CLOSED NON-DIVERSIFIED VENTURE CORPORATE INVESTMENT FUND “TULUM”41275720A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.29.11.2022
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.20.03.2023
PJSC "Cheremosh Tourist Complex"02574248A copy of the notice of the public joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine"by link.28.04.2023
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.02.06.2023
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.24.10.2023
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.04.12.2023
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.25.01.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.22.03.2024
PJSC "Cheremosh Tourist Complex"02574248A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.27.03.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.03.04.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.12.04.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.11.04.2024
PJSC "Cheremosh Tourist Complex"02574248A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.16.04.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.24.04.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.30.10.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.28.08.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.29.11.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.03.12.2024
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE14360506A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.21.03.2025
PJSC "Cheremosh Tourist Complex"02574248A copy of the notice of the joint-stock company can be found on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint-Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" by link.25.03.2025