LIST OF DOCUMENTS submitted to BANK ALLIANCE JSC (for opening a current account)

1. Individuals - issuing a payment card in their name

#DocumentsDesign Features
1Passport or other identification document* and registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card (or without presenting a document certifying its registration in the State Register of Individuals of Taxpayers, if the passport of this person: the regulatory authorities made a note of the right make any payments according to the series and number of the passport or the data on the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card are entered in the passport; territorial divisions of the State Migration service of Ukraine entered data on the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card / an entry was made on the refusal to accept the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card in an electronic contactless medium, or the word "refusal" is put on the passportIt is certified by the signature of an authorized employee of the Bank and the signature of the owner of the document, the date of receipt of the document is affixed.
2Application for opening an account and issuing a payment cardThe application is signed by an individual. Application template is provided by the Bank.
3Customer QuestionnaireIt is certified by the client’s signature. The questionnaire template is provided by the Bank.
4If the Client is a public person, a person close or related to a public figuredocuments are presented confirming the sources of origin of the assets, rights to such assets and the like. Such documents may include:
  • copy of the declaration of property status and income (tax return) with a note of the controlling authority of Ukraine on its receipt (for tax residents of Ukraine);
  • a copy of the declaration of property, income, expenses and financial obligations / declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government received, in particular from the Unified State Register of declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government, is generated and maintained by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption - a copy of the tax return (income declaration) with a mark of the controlling authority of a foreign state on radiation (for non-residents of Ukraine) (if any); (Further - Declarations)
  • other documents confirming the sources of origin of own funds and assets of an individual

* Passport or other identification document that will give the Bank the opportunity to establish: last name, first name and patronymic (if any); date of birth; the series and number of the passport or other identification document, the date of issue and the authority that issued it; information about the place of residence, place of stay or place of temporary stay.

Note: this list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented after the Bank considers the submitted package of documents.

2. INDIVIDUAL legal representative (parents, adoptive parents or guardians) - issuing a payment card in the name of a minor (up to 14 years old)

#DocumentsDesign Features
1Passport or other identification document* and registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card of a minor and legal representative (or without presenting a document certifying his registration in the State Register of Individuals of Taxpayers, if the following is made in the passport of this person: by the regulatory authorities: about the right to make any payments on the series and number of the passport or the data on the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card is entered in the passport; the territorial divisions of the State Migration Service of Ukraine have entered data on the registration number of the taxpayer’s account card / an entry has been made on the refusal to accept the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card in an electronic contactless carrier, or the word “refusal” is put on the passport)It is certified by the signature of an authorized employee of the Bank and the signature of the owner of the document, the date of receipt of the document is affixed.
2Birth certificate of a minor or other document certifying a minor.It is certified by the signature of the authorized employee of the Bank and the signature of the legal representative, the date of receipt of the document is affixed.
3A document confirming the status of the legal representative of a minor (appropriate certificate, court decision, etc.)It is certified by the signature of an authorized employee of the Bank and the signature of the owner of the document, the date of receipt of the document is affixed.
4Application for opening an account and issuing a payment cardThe application is signed by the legal representative. Application template is provided by the Bank.
5Questionnaire for a client (legal representative)It is certified by the client’s signature. The questionnaire template is provided by the Bank.
6If the Client or his representative is a public person, a person close or related to a public figure

documents are presented confirming the sources of origin of the assets, rights to such assets and the like.

Such documents may include:

  • copy of the declaration of property status and income (tax return) with a note of the controlling authority of Ukraine on its receipt (for tax residents of Ukraine);
  • a copy of the declaration of property, income, expenses and financial obligations / declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government received, in particular from the Unified State Register of declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government, is generated and maintained by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption - a copy of the tax return (income declaration) with a mark of the controlling authority of a foreign state on radiation (for non-residents of Ukraine) (if any) (hereinafter - the Declaration)
  • other documents confirming the sources of origin of own funds and assets of an individual

* Passport or other identification document that will enable the Bank to establish: last name, first name and patronymic (if any); date of birth; the series and number of the passport or other identification document, the date of issue and the authority that issued it; information about the place of residence, place of stay or place of temporary stay.

Note: this list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented after the Bank considers the submitted package of documents.

3.Individuals - minors (from 14 to 18 years old)

#DocumentsDesign Features
1 Passport or other identification document* and registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card (or without presenting a document certifying its registration in the State Register of Individuals of Taxpayers, if the passport of this person: the regulatory authorities made a note on the availability of the right to make any payments according to the series and number of the passport or the data on the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card has been entered in the passport; service of Ukraine, information has been entered on the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card / an entry has been made on the refusal to accept the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card in an electronic contactless carrier, or the word “refusal” is put on the passportIt is certified by the signature of an authorized employee of the Bank and the signature of the owner of the document, the date of receipt of the document is affixed.
2A certificate with a sample of his signature issued by the educational institution where he studies, or a card with a sample of signature, notarized
3A document or a copy of a document certified by a notary or by the authority that issued it, which enables the Bank to find out the place of residence or place of stay of a minor
4Application for opening an account and issuing a payment cardThe application is signed by the legal representative. Application template is provided by the Bank.
5Questionnaire form for a client (legal representative)It is certified by the client’s signature. The questionnaire template is provided by the Bank.
6If the Client is a public person, a person close to or related to a public figuredocuments are presented confirming the sources of origin of the assets, rights to such assets and the like.Such documents may include:
  • a copy of the declaration of property status and income (tax return) with a note from the controlling authority of Ukraine on its receipt (for tax residents of Ukraine);
  • a copy of the declaration of property, income, expenses and financial obligations / declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government received, in particular from the Unified State Register of declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government, is generated and maintained by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption - a copy of the tax return (income declaration) with a mark of the controlling authority of a foreign state on radiation (for non-residents of Ukraine) (if any); (Further - Declarations)
  • other documents confirming the sources of origin of own funds and assets of an individual
ADDITIONALLY provide the following documents:
(In order to confirm that a minor has received full civil legal capacity):
1Decision of the guardianship authority on granting full civil legal capacity; <br> or court decisions granting full civil legal capacity; <br> or certificate of registration of a business entity.It is certified by the signature of an authorized employee of the Bank and the signature of the owner of the document, the date of receipt of the document is affixed.
2The original of the document on the consent of the guardianship authority to the disposal of funds
3Original document of consent of parents (adoptive parents) (both at the same time or each of them separately) or trustee to dispose of fundsThe Consent Template is provided by the Bank.

* Passport or other identification document that will enable the Bank to establish: last name, first name and patronymic (if any); date of birth; the series and number of the passport or other identification document, the date of issue and the authority that issued it; information about the place of residence, place of stay or place of temporary stay.

Note: this list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented after the Bank considers the submitted package of documents.

4. FEATURES on the package of documents for opening a current account and issuing a payment card to a non-resident individual

(in addition to the main list of documents in accordance with the purpose of the account)
  • a document that can replace a passport is a temporary certificate issued by the passport service of Ukraine;
  • document confirming the source of cash origin (if cash is to be deposited when opening an account)
  • copy of legalized * permission of the central bank of a foreign state to open an account, notarized, if required by foreign agreements of Ukraine **

* Legalization - the provision of legal force to documents that were issued on the territory of a foreign state. These documents must be notarized at the place of issue, translated into Ukrainian and legalized at the consular post of Ukraine, unless otherwise provided by international treaties in which Ukraine takes part. These documents can also be certified at the embassy of the corresponding state in Ukraine and legalized at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

There is no need to legalize documents issued in the Republic of Albania, the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, The Republic of Bulgaria, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Republic of Cuba, Mongolia, the Republic of Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, the Hungarian Republic; countries formed on the territory of the former SFRY; The Czech Republic, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Estonian Republic The Republic of, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Azerbaijan.

** Resident individuals from Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan who open accounts with authorized banks of Ukraine are required to have a permit (license) in accordance with the central banks of these countries.

To individuals-residents of Russia. Belarus and Kazakhstan, who are temporarily in Ukraine (for the purpose of study, work, treatment), do not need a permit (license) from the central bank to open accounts in Ukraine.

Permissions from central banks of non-CIS countries (France, England, USA, Australia, Germany, etc.) are not needed when citizens open their accounts with Ukrainian banks.

Note: this list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented after the Bank considers the submitted package of documents.

5.Identification by passport of a citizen of Ukraine, which is made in the form of a card containing a contactless electronic medium (hereinafter - ID-card).

ID Card Description:
  • The document on the back contains the name, photo, last name in Ukrainian and Latin transliteration, name in Ukrainian and transliteration, middle name, gender, citizenship, date of birth, entry No. (Unique number of the entry in the registry, UNZR), valid until (+ 10Y from the date of issue), document No. (passport number, 9 digits), signature.
  • The reverse side contains: the date of issue, the issuing authority (the first 2 digits are the area code, according to the State Classifier DK 014-97, the following 2 unit codes), RNOKPP (identification number, 10 digits), place of birth , a laser copy of the photo with the year of birth, the MRZ zone (3 lines of 30 characters each), which contains (document type (ID), country code , document number, record number in registry, date of birth, gender, valid until, nationality, last name, first name).

Also, when issuing a passport, they give Extract from the state demographic register regarding registration of residence , which is also presented to the Bank along with an ID card (until there are RFID readers in the Bank for reading information from the chip)

For the purpose of proper customer service, in particular, opening accounts for individuals holding a passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of an ID card, in the electronic message of the National Bank of Ukraine dated 01.27.2017 No. 57-0007 / 6677, these clarifications relate to the following issues: opening by Ukraine banks of physical accounts persons based on the presented ID-cards; requirements for devices with which information is read from contactless electronic media implanted in an ID card; technical description of working with an ID card with the provision of technical specifications for a contactless electronic data carrier of a passport of a citizen of Ukraine; obtaining a test sample of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of an ID card for testing by the bank software