About the changes of daily limits for cash withdrawals

March 23, 2022

Dear customers!

Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine № 58 of March 21, 2022 amended, in particular, to increase the daily limit for cash withdrawals in Ukraine from foreign currency accounts.

So, from 21.03.22:

- the daily limit for cash withdrawals in Ukraine from foreign currency accounts was increased from UAH 30,000 to UAH 100,000 (equivalent)

This limit also applies to withdrawals abroad from foreign currency accounts opened with Ukrainian banks. The daily limit of UAH 100,000 for withdrawals in Ukraine from accounts in the national currency remains in force, while abroad the withdrawal of currency from hryvnia accounts is limited to the limit of UAH 100,000 per month.

- added the ability to transfer funds for tuition fees to the accounts of educational institutions abroad without restrictions.

This option is included in the list of exemptions from the ban on cross-border operations, which also includes the costs associated with the death of citizens, medical treatment and transportation of patients.

The total limit of UAH 100,000 (equivalent) per month is limited to the following transactions:

• transfer of funds to the accounts of individuals abroad using the details of the payer's and payee's payment cards (P2P transfers)

• carrying out transactions using payment cards to purchase assets that are directly convertible (exchanged) for cash and belong to quasi cash transactions. Such transactions include: replenishment of e-wallets, brokerage or forex accounts, payment of traveler's checks, purchase of virtual assets, etc.

The full list of changes can be found at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/100064819655579/posts/332707308899922/?d=n