Alliance Bank increased its authorized capital to UAH 457.3 million

April 01, 2021

Alliance Bank increased its authorized capital by UAH 92.2 million due to the profits of previous years. The decision to increase the authorized capital to UAH 457.3 million was made at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank.

The increase in the authorized capital ensured the growth of the Bank's financial potential, which is a positive signal for investors, depositors and other stakeholders regarding the financial stability of the institution. The increase in the authorized capital will allow to increase the level of capitalization of the Bank and to further maintain the high rates of lending to the real sector of the economy, provided by the Bank's development strategy.

Alliance Bank continues the trend of outpacing the development rate compared to the banking system - as of the last reporting date, the Bank has risen to 23rd position in terms of net assets. Net profit for January-February 2021 reached UAH 6.1 million, which further increases the level of capitalization and allows the Bank to remain one of the most highly dynamic participants in the banking sector of Ukraine.

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