JSC "BANK ALLIANCE" declares another information attack and its groundlessness

April 09, 2021

In connection with the information attack on JSC "BANK ALLIANCE", carried out by unscrupulous media, at the request of certain payment systems and financial companies, in order to discredit and destabilize the activities of JSC "BANK ALLIANCE" (hereinafter - the Bank), we officially declare that the disseminated information about the alleged application by the National Bank of Ukraine of measures to leak to the Bank and restrict its activities is not true.

We officially declare that JSC BANK ALLIANCE conducts all operations without restrictions according to the banking license and works in the standard mode. No measures of influence have been applied to the Bank at all, which is also confirmed by the official certificate of the National Bank of Ukraine (attached).

The Management Board of JSC BANK ALLIANCE informs that the Bank unquestioningly complies with all standards stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine, has a transparent ownership structure and financial statements of the Bank, which is confirmed by the conclusion of the external auditor.

In particular, as of 01.04.2021, the actual values ​​of key indicators were:

  • Regulatory capital - UAH 607 million
  • Capital adequacy - 14.5% (regulatory value - min 10%)
  • Liquidity coverage ratio, LCR Total - 168% (regulatory value - min 100%)
  • Liquidity coverage ratio, LCR FX - 126% (standard value - min 100%)
  • Net stable financing ratio - 120% (regulatory value - min 80%)

Alliance Bank continues the trend of outpacing the development rate compared to the banking system - as of April 1, 2021, the Bank has risen to 23rd position in terms of net assets.

The Bank publishes the above indicators on a monthly basis on the official website at the following link: https://bankalliance.ua/about_bank/financial_statements.

One of the confirming indicators of the Bank's stability is that since 2019 BANK ALLIANCE is the only bank with 100% Ukrainian capital, so it received an international credit rating "S & PGlobal Ratings" investment grade "B" (short-term) with a forecast of "Stable", and y December 2020, the Bank received another confirmation of this rating.

Unfortunately, the use of low-skilled websites and corrupt journalists, with the aim of information attacks to harm business, has become a daily practice in our country. JSC BANK ALLIANCE urges clients and partners not to react to provocations and spread false information.