As part of the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy for 2021-2023, in order to maintain high lending rates and the Bank's development as a whole, the Bank raised funds in the amount of USD 2 million on subordinated debt and, accordingly, obtained permission from the National Bank of Ukraine to include these funds to the Bank's capital. Funds are raised for a period of 5 years.
Attracting long-term funds on subordinated debt is another evidence of a high level of confidence in the Bank by investors and other stakeholders, and will expand the Bank's ability to further ensure high lending to the real sector of the economy in line with market needs.
As of May 1, 2021, the Bank's regulatory capital increased to UAH 647 million, the H2 capital adequacy ratio amounted to 17.7% (with a regulatory value of 10.0%).
The Bank's net assets as of May 1, 2021 * amounted to UAH 9.0 billion. (UAH +1.6 billion since the beginning of the year), the Bank's profit for January-April 2021 * reached UAH 80 million. (against UAH 84 million in 2020).
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