• attractive terms of cooperation - 0,6% of the amount of wages;
  • reduction of collection costs and organization of payment of wages;
  • installation of the Internet system Client-Bank - free of charge;
  • simplification of the work of the accounting department - enrollment of salary through the system "Client-Bank";
  • guarantee of confidentiality of personal information of employees;
  • possibility to issue various types of MasterCard payment cards - Debit, Standard, Platinum or PROSTIR.


  • free registration of payment cards MasterCard Debit or PROSTIR;
  • receipt of cash in any ATM of Ukraine without commissions;
  • safety and control of the movement of money - connection of the SMS-information service is free of charge;
  • receiving and changing the PIN code at any time and anywhere with the help of an SMS;
  • overdraft in the amount of UAH 1,000 immediately upon receipt of the card without additional fees;
  • the possibility of processing a credit card with the size of up to 3 wages;
  • 24-hour contact center support;
  • international payment cards MasterCard is a simple method of payment in Ukraine and abroad;
  • standard and Platinum cards with chip and contactless contactless technology - a convenient tool for payments in the trade and service network and the Internet;
  • receipt of statement on personal expenses for any period;
  • the possibility of issuing an additional card in its name or on behalf of the trustee;
  • privileges and personal servicing of MasterCard Platinum premium card holders.

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