We are strengthening our positions and continuing adaptation to support business

August 15, 2022

Today we can note the positive dynamics of the key indicators of the Bank's activity. Adaptation of the Bank's business model to work in new conditions is more than successful, as evidenced by the key economic regulations of the NBU as of August 1, 2022:

  • regulatory capital adequacy standard is 16.2% (at the standard value - at least 10.0%).
  • the norm of the adequacy of the fixed capital equals 8.1% (at the normative value - not less than 7.0%),
  • the standard of long-term liquidity NSFR reaches 98.1% (at the standard value - at least 90.0%),
  • LCR liquidity coverage ratio is 124.6% against the required 100.0%.

 Alliance Bank's long and fruitful cooperation with the European Investment Bank and numerous projects with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which were started even before the war, also contribute to the effective continuation of the work.

The efficient operation of the Bank enables us to reduce the share of liabilities to the NBU for previously received refinancing loans.

We continue to work on relevant products for financing farmers, small and medium-sized businesses, the purchase of equipment and agricultural machinery. This will allow us to support the economy of the country and each of our clients in the difficult conditions of martial law.

We believe in victory and start work on the restoration of Ukraine today!