Changes in the tariff packages of ELITE Alliance Bank

March 25, 2022

We are adapting to the current conditions and, as a result, we are updating the tariff plans of ELITE packages.

The changes apply to cardholders of "ELITE", "ELITE +", "ELITE LIGHT" tariff packages and will be valid during wartime.

1. Unfortunately, we are forced to suspend the accrual and payment of interest on the balance of own funds in the accounts.

2. We cancel the fee for opening and maintaining a current account.

3. We cancel the fee for the annual maintenance of the account, as well as for the issuance / reissuance of payment cards.

You can get acquainted with changes in tariffs on the Bank's website:

If you have any questions about tariffs, please call the hotline 0 800 60 22 22 (free of charge within Ukraine).

We will be grateful for your attention and cooperation!