The inauguration of the second "Good Cause Forum" will take place on March 2, 2020 at the premises of the Kiev Academic Young Theater.
The Forum brings together ordinary Ukrainians, representatives of charitable foundations and organizations that, through their good deeds, develop civil society.
The purpose of the Good Cause Forum is to show that there is a high need for activism in society and that social innovators are not solitary "white crows" but are in high demand and in dire need of society. Explain by real-life examples what good deeds anyone can do. Good deeds must be sounded, noticed and set as an example! Join in!
Everyone can present their good deeds to the public at large! To do this, contact the organizers.
Reference: On November 27, the first Goodwill Forum was held, bringing together 150 participants and 19 speakers from around the country. The program of the event consisted of two panels: "Good deeds with their own hands" (personal initiatives) and "Good deeds that change the world. Methodology for Civil Society Building. ”
Organizer of the second GOOD AFFAIRS FORUM - Goldi Meir Civil Society Institute with the support of Bank Alliance
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