Annual charity project implemented through our Clients

January 20, 2020

“Some go to the other end of the world to do good to people; I'm trying to do what I can for those I love and who are around ”- Mark Levy.

Traditionally, at the end of the year, we send help to children who are currently in need of help. Including thanks to each of our clients, the Bank was able to transfer the instrument sterilization apparatus to the Children's Operating Center of the National Cancer Institute on December 19.

Every year, 300 children from all regions of Ukraine are treated at the National Cancer Institute. These are children with all the most severe types of malignancies. Each child undergoes surgery or any other procedure that uses sterile material. The presence of high-quality sterilizer in the operating room will ensure the operation in modern conditions.

You are part of this important cause for children!

Corporate social responsibility has already become an integral part of the strategy for most of the world's companies. The purpose of this news is to spread the importance of social responsibility among businesses in Ukraine.