We continue to share information that will protect you from fraudsters

February 19, 2024

Fraudsters cheat the families of fallen servicemen out of cash payments from the state!

How do scammers do it?

Criminals call family members of fallen servicemen, posing as employees of a mobile operator, and convince them to provide confidential information:

  • about the financial number linked to bank accounts;
  • SMS codes from mobile operators;
  • login and password to the mobile operator's online office;
  • the victim is asked to turn off the phone for a while.

All the information received allows them to remotely issue a SIM card reissue, which gives them access to online banking.

How not to fall into the trap of fraudsters?

  • do not transfer funds according to instructions given over the phone.
  • do not report SMS codes from mobile operators.
  • do not share personal information with strangers.
  • never turn off your phone on instructions from unknown persons.
  • protect your financial phone number - switch to a contract form of service with a mobile operator or register your number in your passport.

‼️If you have become a victim of fraud, fill out the feedback form on the cyber police website at the link: https://ticket.cyberpolice.gov.ua/ or report this situation by phone number: 0 800 505 170.

More information about the rules of payment security is available on the website #ShakhraiGoodbay at the link: https://promo.bank.gov.ua/stopfraud/.