New deposit of Alliance Bank: we transfer the interest on the AFU for each deposit

August 08, 2022

Throughout August, Alliance Bank will transfer 1% per annum from each deposit "Peremozhny" for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One more step on the way to victory.

The new method to donate to the Armed Forces

An important step on the way to victory is to realize two things. First of all, your contribution cannot be small - every hryvnia counts. Secondly, we should all work towards the same national goal, regardless of the field of activity.

A new Ukrainian habit is to donate every time you order coffee. At Alliance Bank, we decided to make the same habit in the financial sphere. Every time when client opens the "Peremozhny" deposit, we will donate 1% per annum of the amount from our own profit to the AFU, just like every Ukrainian does. We form habits correctly and encourage you to join our initiative.

Conditions of the "Peremozhny" deposit

Be sure of the reliability of your savings, receive income and help the Armed Forces of Ukraine on favorable terms:

● Interest rate up to 20% per annum in hryvnia;

● Deposit term - from 1 to 12 months;

● Minimum deposit amount - 5,000 hryvnias;

● Interest payments on your choice - monthly or at the end of the term.

The conditions of the "Peremozhny" deposit do not include only withdrawals, replenishment and the possibility of automatic extension.

The initiative for a deposit with assistance for AFU is valid from 01.08.2022 to 31.08.2022. After its end, Alliance Bank will transfer to AFU 1% per annum in hryvnia from the entire amount placed to the deposit "Peremozhny" during this time from its own profit. Your accruals and savings will fully remain, and your participation will help us to support our defenders.

Place free funds in Alliance Bank and be sure that together we are approaching victory!

More about the deposit