Reliability of JSC "Bank Alliance" was once again confirmed by NRA "Rurik": long-term credit rating of the borrower at the level of uaAAA

February 13, 2023

On January 27, 2023, the Rurik National Rating Agency confirmed the long-term credit rating of the borrower at the level of uaAAA of the investment category with the forecast of "under development" for JSC Bank Alliance. The rating corresponds to the national rating scale.

The confirmation of the rating took into account:

  • Acceptable concentration of the Bank's active operations.
  • Compliance of 70% of the client's loan portfolio with sufficient quality indicators.
  • Sufficient and acceptable diversification of the Bank's passive operations, which reduces its sensitivity to liquidity risk.
  • A significant proportion of time funds of clients: 57% of the portfolio as of 01.10.2022.
  • Cooperation with international financial organizations: in 2020, Alliance Bank was granted a long-term credit line from the European Investment Bank (EIB) in the amount of EUR 20 million. 2021, in 2021 USD 11 million in financing was raised and USD 10 million in financing was opened by the International Finance Corporation (IFC).