On the financial defense of Ukraine

March 01, 2022

Dear colleagues!

We provide information on the priority of non-cash payments for shops, gas stations and pharmacies and the public.

Please disseminate and inform the public as much as possible.


1) For shops, gas stations and pharmacies

Only by joint efforts will we be able to repel the enemy.

The National Bank has made, continues to make and will make every effort to ensure that the electronic payment system operates normally.

The banking system continues to provide all the necessary infrastructure and technological solutions for the use of POS-terminals for card payments.

Shops, gas stations and pharmacies, become the country's financial defense: accept payments by card from the population.

 "I would like to appeal the operators of retail chains and gas stations - from small to large - not to allow any refusals to accept non-cash payments. Not accepting payment cards now is at least an unpatriotic step that has no excuse. Especially today, when Ukraine is showing the world an unprecedented example of heroism, courage and unity in the face of evil, "said NBU Chairman Kyrylo Shevchenko.

Every effort must be made to ensure that non-cash payments continue to be made without restrictions! After all, refusing to accept non-cash payments puts the population at additional risk, as both the use of cash and the collection, which is inextricably linked to the circulation of cash, in martial law is an additional and in no way justified risk.

Let's stand together and save the country!

# NBU_financial_defense


2) For the population

There is a war in Ukraine. The National Bank of Ukraine stands on the financial defense of Ukraine.

The banking system works, card payments are made.

There are no restrictions on card payments.

If you are told the opposite, it is not true.

ATMs issue money, collectors, if possible, support them with cash.

But walking the streets with cash in wartime is putting yourself in danger!

Payment terminals are working. You can top up your mobile account non-cash and make non-cash money transfers.

Ukrainians! In this difficult time, each of us can contribute to financial defense!

In shops, gas stations and pharmacies, give preference to card payments.

This step will help save the lives of collectors who replenish ATMs, as well as save your time and not stand in line at the ATM.

Join the country's financial defense.

# NBU_financial_defense