Loans from Alliance bank are already available to more than 50% of retailers in Ukraine

February 28, 2024

For almost a year, Alliance bank has been actively developing consumer lending in collaboration with top brokers and retailers - Rozetka, Eldorado, Citrus and many others.

During this time, we have covered more than 50% of retail networks and about 1,500 points of sale, where our existing and future customers can use consumer credit services at low interest rates.

So, for example, at Foxtrot you can buy everything you need with a grace period of 9 months at 0%.

Basic lending conditions:

  • age — 21-65 years;
  • the maximum amount is up to UAH 250,000;
  • term — up to 24 months;
  • grace period — 3-12 months.

So ask about the conditions of loans from Alliance bank in the stores where you plan to shop, and take advantage of the favorable offers!