We share information that will protect your data in social networks and online banking.

November 13, 2023

Fraudsters are constantly looking for new ways to deceive, and one of them is phishing.

Under the guise of offers to participate in voting, contests, job offers, scammers try to get your personal information in order to take control of your social networks and messengers.

As part of the information campaign #ShakhrayGoodbye from the National Bank of Ukraine, information was collected for security in social networks and internet banking.

To prevent account hacking:

  • create complex and unique passwords for each account;
  • set up two-factor authentication wherever possible. Multi-factor authentication is when, in addition to a login and password, you need to enter a confirmation code sent to a smartphone, e-mail or in the specific application to log in to the account;
  • do not follow dubious links;
  • keep your logins and passwords in secret;
  • do not enter your logins and passwords from accounts on unfamiliar and suspicious websites.

Before entering the login and password, check the address of the required resource, because any differences may indicate that you are on a phishing site.

If you have become a victim of fraud, fill out the feedback form on the cyber police website: https://ticket.cyberpolice.gov.ua/.

More information about payment security rules on the website #ShakhraiGoodbay: https://promo.bank.gov.ua/stopfraud/.