The deposit portfolio of individuals of JSC BANK ALLIANCE in UAH exceeded UAH 1 billion

January 30, 2020

BANK ALLIANCE JSC marks a new record. As of January 1, 2020, the deposit portfolio (term deposits and demand deposits) of individuals in UAH exceeded UAH 1 billion. The growth of the retail deposit portfolio of JSC BANK ALLIANCE for 2019 amounted to UAH 394.27 million, the percentage increase of the portfolio by 57.4%.

The wide product line of deposit products enables to fulfill any wishes of our clients - from the deposit with monthly interest capitalization to the deposit with which you can freely use and withdraw funds at any time.

To open a deposit you do not have to contact the bank branch. Our clients open more than 30% of new deposits in the Alliance Online mobile application.

“We focused on simplifying the deposit opening process as much as possible - now it's really simple. Existing clients can arrange everything directly in the Alliance Online mobile application. For new customers, it will take about 20 minutes to open the first deposit at the bank branch. One of the most convenient features is the ability to open a zero-balance deposit, ie not necessarily make money on the day the deposit is opened, and replenish when convenient,” said Viktor Kulik, Director of Retail Business at Bank Alliance.

In December, the increase in the deposit portfolio in UAH equaled UAH 100 million, and the total assets of Bank Alliance JSC as of January 1, 2020 amounted to UAH 3,453 billion.

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