BANK ALLIANCE is increasingly involved in solving social problems and participating in charitable projects related to children and children's sports in Ukraine

May 31, 2019

BANK ALLIANCE has joined the support of flash mob # Mamapouche, which was conducted by Zaporozhia Charitable Fund. This action is aimed at helping build a new "Dacha" center, which will be able to become a home for parents of cancer patients during the treatment period in Kyiv. "Dacha" is the only social housing house in Ukraine, where along with families live oncological illnesses who come from different parts of Ukraine for treatment.

The Fund purchased a land plot, developed an architectural project, selected a contractor for its construction and collected funds in the amount of 250 000 hryvnia.

This amount was not enough to begin the construction of a new Center for the Accommodation of 300 families with cancer patients per year, so BANK ALLIANCE made a corporate contribution to support the construction.

Let's do good together, because we create a happy future for these children and for Ukraine as a whole!