BANK ALLIANCE funded a unique project for the construction of a modern ecological hydroelectric power plant in the Kyiv region

April 25, 2019

Within the framework of the approved strategy for 2018-2020, BANK ALLIANCE confirms its commitment to the principles of its sustainable development - a combination of two components: economic and social.

We fully support and consider the priority direction of renewable energy as it is the future of our country and the planet as a whole.

Confirmation of these words is the participation of the Bank as a creditor in the construction of a mini hydroelectric power station on the right bank of the river Ros in the construction of the facilities of the Bila Tserkva reservoir of the Kyiv region with the capacity of 1 MW.

Mini HPP is a power plant that uses energy as a source of energy for water flows. Construction of a mini hydroelectric power station near the White Church is planned to be carried out on the lower reaches of the Ros River, in the Kiev region. The hydroelectric power station is intended to provide the produced electricity to the national grid.

For mini hydropower plants, fully automated equipment (generator, turbine, control system) of the European Union will be installed. The work of the station will be carried out without personnel interference. The maximum use of the water potential of the Bila Tserkva reservoir will be achieved at the expense of a wide range of operation of the turbine, and therefore the mini hydroelectric power station will be able to operate with the maximum efficiency at both low and high water consumption. Transmission of information about the work of the station is transmitted by the system "Skad" on the Internet to any users who have access to the system without territorial restrictions.

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