Baker Tilly Ukraine has completed the annual audit of Alliance Bank for 2021

June 30, 2022

On June 24, Alliance Bank completed its annual audit of financial statements for 2021.

Alliance Bank annually approves financial statements in accordance with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards and regulations of the National Bank of Ukraine. The annual audit allows us to provide our customers with reliable and unbiased information about the bank's assets, liabilities, capital, profits and expenses.

This year's independent external auditor was Baker Tilly Ukraine, a Ukrainian auditing company, one of the leaders in the national market, and an independent member of the Baker Tilly International network.

According to the independent auditor, the financial statements of the Bank accurately reflect the financial condition, results and cash flows of Alliance Bank as of December 31, 2021. It should be noted that the growth of the balance sheet currency exceeded UAH 4 billion (+ 36%), and the profit for the year reached a record value of UAH 331 million. As of January 1, 2021, the actual value of the capital adequacy ratio more than doubled the normative value set by the National Bank of Ukraine (20.6% vs. 10.0%, respectively).

The annual audit was conducted in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Auditing Financial Statements and Auditing", adopted Standards on Auditing and Ethics of the International Federation of Accountants