Memorandum on cooperation between JSC BANK ALLIANCE and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

June 11, 2019

On May 21, 2019, JSC BANK ALLIANCE and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine sealed the Memorandum on the general principles of cooperation on issues of implementation of state support of agricultural producers.

For BANK ALLIANCE has always been the priority of lending to companies and industries in Ukraine, and this Memorandum stipulates the following:

  • All borrowers can expect to be compensated for up to 70% of the loan rate, which means low cost and availability of financing
  • The Bank provides loans under a simplified system of coordination and without a property collateral
  • Participates in ensuring the effective development of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine

BANK ALLIANCE is an expert on corporate clients since 1992 and offers quick service to growers at optimal tariffs.