Money transfers around the world are a great alternative to transferring cash and using cards. This is an opportunity to save time and effort of the user by contacting BANK ALLIANCE for help.
Ви можете скористатися однією з наступних систем грошових переказів:
BANK ALLIANCE offers its clients money transfer services within the territory of Ukraine, as well as abroad. At the same time, you can choose the option that is most convenient for you - without opening an account or knows an account if you already have one.
You can send funds using Welsend, respectively in euros and/or US dollars, to any country where this system operates*.
To send a transfer in the amount not exceeding UAH 400,000.00 per day, it is necessary to provide the bank with the original passport or a document that replaces it. When making a transfer in the amount exceeding the equivalent of UAH 400,000.00, it is necessary to provide supporting documents (in accordance with current NBU regulations) and open or have a current account with the Bank.
To receive a transfer in an amount not exceeding UAH 400,000.00, it is enough to indicate the number (code) of the transfer and provide the original passport or a document that replaces it. Upon receipt of the transfer in the amount exceeding the equivalent of UAH 400,000.00, it is necessary to provide the original passport or a document that replaces it, and the original TIN and open or have a current account with the Bank.
Please note that cash transfers of individuals in foreign currency without opening an account within Ukraine are prohibited regardless of the amount.
If the transfer of funds in foreign currency (US dollars or Euros) is made between accounts, the deadline for crediting funds will not exceed three banking days - as a rule, crediting takes place within one working (banking) day.
Regardless of whether you choose the Welsend money transfer system, the BANK ALLIANCE offers the most favorable terms of cooperation. At your service cheap tariffs, guarantee of reliability and pleasant service.
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