Description of the product (banking service) Financial leasing - civil law relations between JSC "BANK ALLIANCE" (hereinafter - the Bank, Lessor) and the Lessee (legal entity individual - entrepreneur individual who receives from the Bank financial services under the Financial Leasing Agreement), according to which the Bank (Lessor) undertakes to acquire ownership of the Leased Item from the seller (supplier) in accordance with the specifications and conditions established by the Lessee and transfer it to the Lessee for a specified period of at least one year. payment (lease payments) with the subsequent transfer of ownership of the Leased Item to the Lessee.

Client type - Businesses and Individuals

Advantages of the product (banking service) for the Lessee:

  • long-term financing;
  • all interest and leasing fees are attributed to expenses, reducing the tax base (for businesses);
  • the subject of the lease may not be a tax pledge or object of recovery of third parties in connection with any actions or omissions of the Lessee;
  • no additional costs for the pledge of property (financial leasing agreement with an individual must be notarized).

Requirements to the Lessee (business entity):

  • positive business reputation;
  • financial condition corresponds to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;
  • carries out activities that do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine, including not producing goods or does not conduct activities that may harm humans or the environment, as well as not engaged in the manufacture and sale of weapons, drugs (except medicines).
  • there is no negative credit history in the Bank or in other banks.

Requirements to the Lessee (individual)

  • Individuals aged 25 to 60 who:
    • have a permanent source of income and work experience at the last place of work for at least 12 months;
    • OR
    • receive income from their own business (as entrepreneurs) not less than in the last 6 months, but are credited as individuals.
  • The lessee must meet the following requirements:
    • is legally and legally capable in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine;
    • permanently registered in Ukraine;
    • has a main place of work (receives a stable income);
    • is creditworthy and solvent;
    • no negative credit history.

Subject of leasing

  • vehicles,
  • equipment,
  • other movable property.

Currency of financing: Hryvnia