JSC "BANK ALLIANCE" is involved in work with agrarian receipts

March 26, 2019

 “BANK ALLIANCE” develops a new priority area of ​​work with clients of the agricultural sector - financing of agricultural producers.

Including, lending to enterprises using agrarian receipts. This financial instrument in Ukraine is implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC, World Bank Group).

"BANK ALLIANCE" has developed its own product, which allows farmers to receive funding for planting and growing crops, which is provided by the Financial Agrarian Receipt.

Agrarian receipt is a debt obligation of an agricultural producer, secured by the pledge of its future harvest. Due to its publicity and transparency, receipts allow agribusinesses to raise funds to finance working capital, and lenders to be confident in protecting their rights and returning credit resources.

"BANK ALLIANCE" is an expert in working with corporate clients since 1992 and offers fast service to agribusinesses at the best rates.