To this end, BANK ALLIANCE JSC has implemented a system of compliance risk management, which ensures control over the Bank's compliance with the legislation of Ukraine, including regulatory acts of the National Bank of Ukraine, market standards, ethical standards, internal procedures, and proper behavior of the Bank's employees.

To comply with all of the above standards, the Bank has developed a Code of Ethics designed to set high standards of conduct.

If you (the Client of the Bank, its employee or other interested person) become aware of the facts of improper actions of the Bank's employees, or actions involving the employees of the Bank, you can inform us about it.

We ask you to report to us any known facts of misconduct, such as misconduct, such as fraud or corruption by the Bank, violations of banking policies or rules, waste or mismanagement of resources, malpractice, misconduct, or contributes to significant harm to the community, may impede the operation or management of the Bank, as well as attempts to commit such actions in any of the following ways:

  • To: st. Sich Riflemen, 50, Kiev. 04053 - "Compliance Management of BANK ALLIANCE JSC".
  • To email address:
  • Submit your application using the inappropriate action form below.

The recipient of your message is the Compliance Department of JSC BANK ALLIANCE.

Each message will be treated with confidentiality of your appeal.

Please note that you have the option of sending messages anonymously, but leaving contact information will allow you to contact you as necessary for more accurate investigations of compliance incidents.